MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING BN – 20 min 5-7 x 1 up to a heavy for the day FRSQ – 20 min 5-7 x 1 up to a heavy for the day possible approach (you do not have to do this, it’s just an idea if you are unsure how to approach your max) 8@40, 5@60, 3@70, […]
TUESDAY WEIGHTLIFTING PR 5@65%, 5@75%, AMrAP@85% on a 2:30 INT *add 2.5-5 lbs to training max CONDITIONING (training) AMRAP 15: 200m Run 12 Thrusters (95/65 lbs) 9 OTB Burpees *goal: consistent pace on run; break up movements less as workout goes on SUPPLEMENTAL TRAINING 3 sets, heavier than last week: 15 DB OH Tricep Extensions […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING BN 5@65, 5@75, AMrAP @85% on a 2:30 INT *use training max: if you maxed out on Bench at the end of last cycle, that is 90% of that weight; if you did not max out, add 2.5-5 lbs to your previous training max CONDITIONING (practice) – EMOM 20: min 1) 20-50 UB […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING SN 2×2 @83%, 3×1 @88% on a 2:30 INT CONDITIONING (practice) – every 1:30 for 5 Rds: “odds”) 1:00 athlete’s choice skill work “evens”) 5 OHSQ from ground *goal: can go up in weight but not back; focus on distinct snatch, then tempo on OHSQ SUPPLEMENTAL TRAINING BKSQ -or- FRSQ (do whichever you […]
February Friday, 17th – Friday Night Lights! Register for The Open here. Friday, 24th – Friday Night Lights! March Friday, 3rd – Friday Night Lights! April Saturday, 22nd – Festivus Games (Warrenton, VA) May Monday, 29th – No Classes in observance of Memorial Day June Saturday, 10th – Vanguard Games November Thursday 23rd and Friday […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING SN 6×2 @55, 60, 65, 70, 70, 70% CONDITIONING (competition/test) WZA 2019 Indy Online Challenge – Workout 1 AMRAP 9: 3 HGPSN (75/55 lbs) 3 OHSQ (75/55 lbs) 30 DU 6 HGPSN (75/55 lbs) 6 OHSQ (75/55 lbs) 30 DU 9 HGPSN (75/55 lbs) 9 OHSQ (75/55 lbs) 30 DU …etc, until 9:00 […]