3 Pos SN (high hang, knees, floor) 5×1 @60, 60, 60, 65, 65% on a 2:00 INT
*Use conservative, goal 1RM. If two weeks ago, you set a new 1RM of 150 lbs, add 2.5-5 lbs. So your new training max (TM) would be 152.5 or 155 lbs.
CONDITIONING (practice) – every 1:30 x 10 (5 Rds of everything)
“odds”) 1:00 BBJO (24/20”)
“evens”) 1:00 athlete’s choice skill work
*goal: consistent or greater amount of BBJO every round
PCN + PJK 5×3 @60, 60, 60, 65, 65%
*be sure to use your numbers for power cleans and push jerks, not your full CNJK
BKSQ 5@65%, 5@75%, AMrAP @85% on a 3:00 INT
*If you set a new 1RM two weeks ago, or something that felt like it was as heavy as you can lift right now, even if it’s not your best ever, then we are RESETTING to 90% of that as your new training max (TM). Example: two weeks ago you hit 250 lbs on your BKSQ and it was as heavy as you think you can do right now. Your new TM is now 90% of 250 = 225 lbs. So today you are doing 65, 75, 85% of 225 lbs.
**If you did not go heavy last week for whatever reason, or if you did your AMrAP at 95% and got at least two reps, then add 5-10 lbs to your TM, just like we’ve been doing.
A/B Partner Workout, alternating movements, AMRAP 16:
20 SA DB Front Squat (50/35 lbs)
16 Alt DBSN (50/35 lbs)
*goal: break up movements less as workout goes on; do not go to failure on HSPU
3 sets:
10 B Stance DB RDL e/s @2110
10 Standing Leg Abduction e/s
BN 5@65%, 5@75%, AMrAP @85% on a 3:00 INT
*If you set a new 1RM two weeks ago, or something that felt like it was as heavy as you can lift right now, even if it’s not your best ever, then we are RESETTING to 90% of that as your new training max (TM). Example: two weeks ago you hit 250 lbs on your BKSQ and it was as heavy as you think you can do right now. Your new TM is now 90% of 250 = 225 lbs. So today you are doing 65, 75, 85% of 225 lbs.
**If you did not go heavy last week for whatever reason, or if you did your AMrAP at 95% and got at least two reps, then add 2.5-5 lbs to your TM, just like we’ve been doing.
CONDITIONING (competition/test)
Partner “Helen” — A+B Partner Workout, 3 RFT:
A) 400m Run
B) 21 KBS (55/35 lbs) + 12 Pull Ups
*goal: wear weight vest if you’re planning to do “Murph” with one; there will not be a lot of rest in this, so set a pace that allows you to move consistently; pace run so that you can do big sets of KBS and PU
3 sets:
10 Lat Pulldown (choose grip)
10 DB Lat Raise
[2 Pos CN (hang, floor) + 2 JK] 5×1 @60, 60, 60, 65, 65% on a 2:30 INT
*Use conservative, goal 1RM. If two weeks ago, you set a new 1RM of 200 lbs, add 5-10 lbs. So your new training max (TM) would be 205 or 210 lbs.
Row 2×15:00, Rest 2:00
*goal: consistent amount of meters; compare distances to 4/6/24, try to hold same pace that you did for 10 minutes on that day, today
About 20-25 minutes for quality:
Row/Jog/Bike 2:00
Jog/Walk/Bike 2:00
Mobility/Static Stretching/Foam Rolling 4:00
*goal: move continuously, but at a very easy pace (if you have a HR monitor, HR should stay at or below 70%); times do not have to be exact — if you finish your jog at a good spot and it’s below 2:00 no worries, if it’s over no worries
PSN 5×3 @60, 60, 60, 65, 65%
*be sure to use your numbers for power snatch, not your full snatch
DL 5@65%, 5@75%, AMrAP @85% on a 3:30 INT
*If you set a new 1RM two weeks ago, or something that felt like it was as heavy as you can lift right now, even if it’s not your best ever, then we are RESETTING to 90% of that as your new training max (TM). Example: two weeks ago you hit 250 lbs on your BKSQ and it was as heavy as you think you can do right now. Your new TM is now 90% of 250 = 225 lbs. So today you are doing 65, 75, 85% of 225 lbs.
**If you did not go heavy last week for whatever reason, or if you did your AMrAP at 95% and got at least two reps, then add 5-10 lbs to your TM, just like we’ve been doing.
CONDITIONING (practice) – EMOM 15:
min 1) 2 sets of DU / DU practice
min 2) 6 Reverse Lunges e/s @20X0
min 3) Rest
*goal: weight lunges however you want to; control on the way down, with balance
3 sets:
10 Standing Leg Abduction e/s
15 Standing Calf Raise
PR 5@65%, 5@75%, AMrAP @85% on a 2:30 INT
*If you set a new 1RM two weeks ago, or something that felt like it was as heavy as you can lift right now, even if it’s not your best ever, then we are RESETTING to 90% of that as your new training max (TM). Example: two weeks ago you hit 250 lbs on your BKSQ and it was as heavy as you think you can do right now. Your new TM is now 90% of 250 = 225 lbs. So today you are doing 65, 75, 85% of 225 lbs.
**If you did not go heavy last week for whatever reason, or if you did your AMrAP at 95% and got at least two reps, then add 2.5-5 lbs to your TM, just like we’ve been doing.
A+B Partner Workout, 4 RFT:
A) 800m Run
B) 100m Farmers Carry (DB in each hand) + 5 Tire Flips + 25 Sit Ups
*goal: if you are doing “Murph” with a weight vest, wear it for at least the run today; you will have a decent amount of rest after the sit ups, so try to move through B without rest
3 sets:
10 SA Seated Cable Row e/s @2111
10 DB Bicep Curl