On Thursday and Friday this week, there are NO CLASSES at Vanguard Gym / CrossFit Manassas, in observance of Thanksgiving. We hope that all of you enjoy the time off and the time with your family.
SN 2 @75%, 2 @75%, 1 @80%, 1 @80%, 1 @85%, 1 @85% on a 2:00 INT
*use conservative, goal 1RM (same number as last week)
5 Rds, 3:00 each, 1:00 rest between rounds:
30/24 Cal Row
Max Rep Alt DBSN (50/35 lbs) in remaining time
*goal: consistent amount or more DBSN each round
3 sets, heavier than two weeks ago:
10 Barbell Hip Thrust
10 Leg Abduction e/s
10 Seated SL Leg Curl e/s
BN 5@65, 5@75, AMrAP @85% on a 2:30 INT
*if you hit all your AMrAPs (at least 5 in week 1, at least 3 in week 2, and at least 2 in week 3), ADD 2.5 – 5 lbs to the number you were working off of last week
BKSQ -or- FRSQ 5@65, 5@75, AMrAP @85% on a 3:00 INT
*if you hit all your AMrAPs (at least 5 in week 1, at least 3 in week 2, and at least 2 in week 3), ADD 5-10 lbs to the number you were working off of last week
CONDITIONING (practice) – EMOM 15:
min 1) 5-10 Pull Ups
min 2) 10-15 RKBS
min 3) 10-15 WB
*goal: can go up in reps and weight, but not back; try to do WB unbroken
3 sets, heavier than two weeks ago:
10 Standing DB Hammer Curl e/s
15 Half Kneeling 45 degree Cable Row e/s
WEDNESDAY – regular class times at 4:30 and 5:30 PM
DL 5@65, 5@75, AMrAP @85% on a 3:30 INT
*if you hit all your AMrAPs (at least 5 in week 1, at least 3 in week 2, and at least 2 in week 3), ADD 5 – 10 lbs to the number you were working off of last week
CONDITIONING (competition/test)
A/B Partner Workout, alternating movements, AMRAP 24:
12 BBJO (24/20”)
9 PCN (155/105 lbs)
24 AbMat Sit Up
6 STO (155/105 lbs)
12 Alt Pistols
*goal: move at a steady pace while it is your turn to work; think about being able to speed up at minute 19
3 sets, heavier than two weeks ago:
10 Good Mornings
10 GHD Sit Up + R Twist e/s
15 GHD Hip Extensions
There are NO CLASSES at Vanguard Gym / CrossFit Manassas, in observance of Thanksgiving. We hope that all of you enjoy the time off and the time with your family.
SATURDAY – regular class time at 9:00 AM
PR 5@65, 5@75, AMrAP @85% on a 2:30 INT
*if you hit all your AMrAPs (at least 5 in week 1, at least 3 in week 2, and at least 2 in week 3), ADD 2.5 – 5 lbs to the number you were working off of last week
CNJK 2 @75%, 2 @75%, 1 @80%, 1 @80%, 1 @85%, 1 @85% on a 2:00 INT
A/B Partner Workout, alternating full rounds, AMRAP 12:
40 DU
10 TTB
*try to break movements up less as workout goes on
BKSQ -or- FRSQ 4×2 @80%, 4×2 @85 on a 2:30 INT
*use conservative, goal 1RM (same number as last week)
**do whichever squat you are not doing on Fridays
3 sets, heavier than two weeks ago:
15 Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
10 SA Flat DB BN e/s