SN 2@65, 2@65, 1@70, 1@70, 1@70% on a 2:00 INT
CONDITIONING (practice) – every 1:30 for 5 Rds
“odds”) 4 PSN
“evens”) 10 UB WB + 10 V Ups
*goal: compare PSN to 6/5/21; can go up in weight on PSN and WB, but not back
*do whichever squat you are not doing on Fridays; use 90% of max (+5-10 lbs) like DL, PR, SQ, and BN
BKSQ 5×2 @80%
FRSQ 5×2 @80%
BN 8 @45%, 6 @55%, 4 @65% on a 2:30 INT
tempo: 31X1
A+B Partner Workout, AMRAP 15:
A) 2 Rds: 5 HSPU + 5 Pull Ups + 20 DU
B) MR Cal Row
Leave the display on the rower going so that at the end there is just a total Cal number
*goal: you MUST row at a pace that allows you to continue working, because there is no rest; break up movements less as the workout goes on
ACCESSORY – 3 sets:
12 DB Hammer Curl e/s
8 Seated Cable Row
DL 8 @45%, 6 @55%, 4 @65% on a 3:00 INT
tempo: 3011
Choose one of the following options:
(For any option, record distance travelled. It may also be helpful to record the amount of time you spend running vs walking, for a baseline to compare to later.)
10x Walk 1:00 / Run 1:00 / Rest 1:00
10x Run 2:00 / Walk 1:00
3:00 ish minutes warm up jog/run -then stretch- then 20:00 Run
*goal: choose the option that allows you to stick with the directions for the entire workout; if you would need to stop and walk while running for 20 minutes, that’s okay, just choose the option with running built in
ACCESSORY – 3 sets:
8 SL DB/KB RDL e/s
8 GHD Sit Ups
CNJK 2@65, 2@65, 1@70, 1@70, 1@70% on a 2:00 INT
***If doing well in the Open workout tomorrow is important to you, DO THE ACTIVE RECOVERY.***
CONDITIONING (practice) – EMOM 15:
min 1, 4, etc) 1-2 Wall Walks with :05 hold at top of each
min 2, 5, etc) 10 Alt DBSN
min 3, 6, etc) Rest
*goal: can go up in weight but not back; work on holding top of WW in a hollow body position
About 20-25 minutes for quality:
Row/Jog/Bike 2:00
Jog/Walk/Bike 2:00
Mobility/Static Stretching/Foam Rolling 4:00
*goal: move continuously, but at a very easy pace (if you have a HR monitor, HR should stay at or below 70%); times do not have to be exact — if you finish your jog at a good spot and it’s below 2:00 no worries, if it’s over no worries
RDL 5×4 @66% ********of your Clean********
use straps if needed
PR 8 @45%, 6 @55%, 4 @65% on a 2:30 INT
tempo: 30X1
CONDITIONING (competition/test)
CrossFit Open 22.2
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps, for time of:
Deadlift (225/155 lbs)(135/95 lbs)
Bar Facing Burpee
ACCESSORY – 3 sets:
8 Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
12 DB Tri Kickback e/s
BKSQ -or- FRSQ 8 @45%, 6 @55%, 4 @65% on a 3:30 INT
tempo: 31X1
A+B Partner Workout, 5 RFT:
A) Row 500m
B) 10 Alt Pistols + 5 STO (115/85 lbs)
*goal: consistent or negative splits on row; row at a pace that allows you to get right off the rower and onto pistols; rest only after STO
ACCESSORY – 3 sets:
8 Barbell Hip Thrust
12 Leg Curl